Friday, December 17, 2010

Main Steps of Yoga....

The YOGA system as outlined by Patanjali is known as the Eightfold Path. The first steps, (1) YAMA and (2)
NIYAMA, require observance of ten negative and positive moralities-avoidance of injury to others, of
untruthfulness, of stealing, of incontinence, of gift-receiving (which brings obligations); and purity of body
and mind, contentment, self-discipline, study, and devotion to God.
The next steps are (3) ASANA (right posture); the spinal column must be held straight, and the body firm in a
comfortable position for meditation; (4) PRANAYAMA (control of PRANA, subtle life currents); and (5)
PRATYAHARA (withdrawal of the senses from external objects).
The last steps are forms of yoga proper: (6) DHARANA (concentration); holding the mind to one thought; (7)
DHYANA (meditation), and (8) SAMADHI (superconscious perception). This is the Eightfold Path of Yoga
{FN24-6} which leads one to the final goal of KAIVALYA (Absoluteness), a term which might be more
comprehensibly put as "realization of the Truth beyond all intellectual apprehension."
"Which is greater," one may ask, "a swami or a yogi?" If and when final oneness with God is achieved, the
distinctions of the various paths disappear. The BHAGAVAD GITA, however, points out that the methods of
yoga are all-embracive. Its techniques are not meant only for certain types and temperaments, such as those
few who incline toward the monastic life; yoga requires no formal allegiance. Because the yogic science
satisfies a universal need, it has a natural universal applicability

Chapter 24, An autobiography of Yogi...

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