Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mundakya Upanishad !!!

Om, and its power are underlined and detailed in Mundakya Upanishad, which is dedicated text for this one "Word", which encompasses "BRAHMA' in itself.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

महाम्रितुन्जय मंत्र !!!

महाम्रितुन्जय मंत्र

It has been mentioned in RIG VEDA, one of the four pillar vedas of HINDUISM. It  is one of the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras. Maha mrityunjaya is a call for enlightenment and is a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level. It is also said to be quite beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical health.

We Meditate on the Three-eyed reality
Which permeates and nourishes all like a fragrance.
May we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality,
Even as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper.
AUM/OM: Absolute reality. That which encompasses the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep, represented by AUM, the three levels of gross, subtle, causal, the three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious, and the three universal processes of coming, being, and going. Absolute silence beyond the three levels is the silence after AUM.
Tryambakam: Trya means three. Ambakam means eyes. It means the three eyes of the Absolute, which are the processes of creation, existence, and dissolution, as well as the other triads, which are part of AUM. The three "eyes" means experiencing these three stages and triads at one time, from the higher, all pervasive vantage point of the Absolute.
Yajamahe: We rejoice in meditation on all of this.
Sugandhim: Means fragrance. Like a spreading fragrance, all of this permeates the whole of existence, while at the same time being that existence
Pushtivardhanam: Means that which sustains and nourishes all. Thus, the fragrance that permeates all is the sustainer of all beings, while also the essence of all beings.
Urvarukamiva: Urva means big and powerful. Arukam means disease, like the spiritual diseases of ignorance and untruth, which are like the death of Wisdom or Truth.
Bandhanan: Means bound down, as in bound down to the ignorance and untruth.
Mrityor: Means ignorance and untruth.
Mukshiya: Means liberation from the cycles of physical, mental, and spiritual death.
Maamritat: Means please give me rejuvenating nectar, so as to have this liberation, like the process of severing the cucumber from the creeping vine.

Sunday, August 12, 2012



1. Nothing is permanant except laws of nature, which is ultimate truth, that is SHIVA & this is face less/ form less/ shape less.

       - This law of nature is "Positive and Negative governs the world" i.e concept of YIN -YANG.

2. One who understands laws of Nature is YOGI, GOD, BUDDHA, KRISHNA or JESUS
      - There have been several thousand yogis/ enlighted beings who remained unknown or lesser known but who were equally enlighted.

3. All living species in this world are equal and govern by the same law of nature.


How "The laws of nature"  works for humans is primary goal of religion so all religions works towards that.
- Religions make humans understnad that what is ultimate truth, how they are connected to this and how it will manifest in their lives.
- Religions around the world act in the limited sphere of humans, their body, their minds ( conscious & unconscious) & their soul.
- As human's ability to think is limited so to make them understand , to simplify religion rituals, forms of  GOD, texts, hymns, prayers, stories, important days, ways of living life, stratas in societies & several other ways were developed.

Buddha- The Last Known GOD gave us the the light of  "Ultimate truth" again and ways of life in the form of Buddhism. Though all religions are same they have been mis-understood by their re-presentation.

Most mis-understood religion ( Way of Life) has been Hinduism, while this most ancient religion taught humans not only the easiest path to understnad "Ultimate truth" but also the "way of life" to eash entity of society. How each interlink of society should work towards harmony and prosperity.People who developed Hinduism were " PARLIAMENT of YOGIS" who simplified the most complex thing in such a way that even human with zero mind can understand that.

a. There is no lag in the nature of Laws . Action = reaction ( at the same moment) , manifestation might take time to come or to understand.

b.Impermanancy is only permanant thing in this world.

c. Every thing is changing that is "Law of nature" . For us reality is WAVE, but in actual it is combination of thousand Particles which comes into existance and next moment dies & second moment next particle comes into existance & it looks like as it did not die at all. So Any thing that you see is not the same that you see last moment and it will not be the same that you would see next moment. There was no beggining & there will not be any end, it is continuity that is " ultimate truth"

d.Body is mean to the end not an end intself..

e. Human form is only form where you can understanad the "Laws of Nature"  and other living species can only feel "Laws of nature" so you are lucky that you are humans as by understanding the "Laws of Nature" you can act accordingly which is other wise not possible.

f. If there is any worthy goal in life, it should be " Control your "MAN", a part of mind that is completely satiated in the senses & it is aspect that prevents you to undterstnad the "Ultimate truth" and even if you have understand it, it prevents you to act according to "Laws of Nature"
and Resutl i one who have not nderstood the laws of Nature would suffer and would never acheive happiness. And Happiness is the only aim of any living species.

g. Suffering and Happiness are again feelings but they are temporary or permanant that is understanding. In human form you get a chance to understand  them. IN nut shell in human form you get a chance to understnad happiness as concept and then you are free from the feeling of suffering as after that there would not be any feeling at all.

h. Not to have any feeling is " Ultimate aim of living species" or unstated aim of life because it need to be understood first before experiencing. Other aims are first experieced and then undestood & in that process understanding becomes biased.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Personality Pyramid.

Personality Pyramid is image of comlete person. It signifies the priority an individual should set for maximising potitive energy in his/ her life.

Youth is backbone of any country's success. Whether it is independence fight in India, led by freedom fighters such as Netaji, Bhagat Singh or Gandhiji, it was the youth who led the movements. Super power US was also built on the shoulders fo youth such as edison, Ford, Alfred Sloan, Bill gates, Steve jobs etc. This is pivotal for any country to focus on its youth to build a country of orginal ideas, entrepeneurship &  leadership. But this is easier said than done. With changing technology and social structure, there are several things that influence youth in more ways than we think. Religion is loosing its steam, as more or more scandals sre popping up, in the corridors temples of morality. Positive aspects of religion are easily forgotten now a days.

Hinduism is one of the ancinet religion in world. Being ancient does not mean, it should be blindly followed. But without understanding it in totality, it is often misunderstood. Worship of Idol is considered insane, rituals are considered unfair means developed by "Pundits" to male money, Sacrifices of animals is considered inhumane & language in which its sacred texts are written is understood by only 0.0000000001% world population. So logically people go for " READY TO FOLLOW" simple religions such as Islam & Christianity, whcih expounds few but most important aspects of any relition, which of course are part of Hinduism.

Here I am dwelling upon one important aspects of any religion, personality. How human must develop its personality which is beneficial for his/ her success and its country's success and peace of universe.